All three shotgun shells have 'MANN CO BALISTICS 12 GAUGE SHELL' ( sic) written in them.Smoking was common during wartime as a way to relieve stress from battle.Note: All items in this list of class tfwearable do not appear for GetPlayerWeaponSlot. I cannot find a blue ski mask even close to that of the Spy's. I have ordered a special suit and I will have it fitted to me upon its arrival, but I am having trouble finding a good ski mask. next to a set name means that set has set bonuses if all items in the set are worn. After playing TF2 for a while now I've decided to incorporate the life of the Spy into my life. Given the notorious gun jamming issues of the Vietnam War, gun oil bottles were common helmet band items. These are all of the weapons currently in TF2 and their item definition indexes.Helmets often seen in Vietnam had a green camo pattern, and many soldiers would strap items on top for easy access, such as the ammo and gun oil bottle shown on this cosmetic.The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants Mouseover cells to preview the images on a dark background.